Reykjavik 6th of May 2022
Rent, a Land system.
In the sector of Rent, a Land system then 5+ farmers open a limited company regarding the operation of their land and get a mortgage at some financial institutions. Suss.Global rents the land from the farmer’s company in Rent, a land system and takes care of the operation for it. Suss.Global will pay for the interest rate of the mortgage and a certain rent. The mortgage will be used to pay for tools, seed and fertilizer, and other expenses at the start but the farmer’s company will be sustainable soon for its operation cost.
The payment method to arrange for this farmer’s company is that of Suss.Global will ask for 40% advance payment and another 40% when the transaction has been finished and the rest 20% after 2 months when all are satisfied.
Suss.Global will make a contract for the payments of Rent, a Land system, or the mortgage installments and interest rate with some % added on for the farmer’s company. The rent will be decided between parties and paid accordingly.
Hrafnkell Tryggvason